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We at Waco Family Baptist Church have a strong belief that our children (of all ages) benefit from being in our worship services.  This is rooted in our belief in Preaching as a Means of Grace.  Of first importance is that Christ is present in the worship services and speaks to His people in the preaching of the Word. In an effort to avoid the extremes and errors of the Family Integrated Church Movement in our day, we no longer use the language of Family Integration, FIC, etc.


Our children also have regular opportunity to see the faith of their parents in their acts of worship.  There is a cry room available, and a nursery when needed.  Our worship services are usually brightened by sounds from the babies.  We enjoy activities together, but do not have children's or youth programs. 


We hold to the Regulative Principle of Worship which means that our worship services only include elements that are found in scripture as true worship.  This means that some practices which may be fine to do any other time (drama, dance, comedy, games, etc) are not included in our worship.  This is far from the "worship as entertainment" culture that is so prevalent around us. 

During the Worship Services at WFBC, we have singing, praying, scripture reading and preaching, and the Lord's table each week in our services. The preaching is Expositional, meaning that the main point and thrust of the bible passage is the main emphasis of the sermon. The sermons are primarily Systematic Exposition, which means we study through books of the Bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Weekly Meetings


Bible study Class:     9:50AM

Worship Service:      10:50AM 


Wednesday:   6:00PM  

Mailing Address 208 Hewitt Drive Ste103-369, Waco, TX  76712                        Meeting Address: 800 TX-6 Woodway, TX 76712      


Telephone:  +                                                              Email:

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